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Tiny Dancers

Unleash Your Child’s Sparkle! Join Our Tiny Dancers Program for Fun, Fitness, and Fabulous Moves!

Young children, even infants, instinctively want to move when they hear music. Our dance classes provide a supportive environment where they can learn dance basics and let their natural rhythm and creativity flourish.

Tiny Twinkle Toes is a ballet and creative movement combination class. Broadway Bound Babies is a fusion of tap and jazz.


Broadway BoundTuesdays 5:00pmTBA
Tiny Twinkle ToesThursdays5:00PM-5:30PMTBA

MJDA Dance Companies

Join the Dance Revolution!

Connect with MJDA Renowned Dance Companies and Build a Thriving Community of Team Players!

By Audition ONLY.

Hip Hop Company, Tap Company, Performance Company, and MJDA Dance Company.